Review of Dead Bang

Dead Bang (1989)
This Don Johnson cop movie fairly good.
6 November 2010
I never really got into "Miami Vice" nor do I really want to. However, this Don Johnson cop movie was rather good. Nothing special, for the most part your standard run of the mill cop movie, the only difference is that the cop in question is a really burned out cop. I know you are thinking "so are most cops in films such as these", but no he is really burnt out to the point of puking on a guy after chasing him down. He also has some wicked shouting matches with his ex-wife who from the sounds of it is a mega word that rhymes with witch. Still, it moves at a good pace, just a movie though that really kind of ticks you off. I mean the wife ticked me off though I never saw her, and that one agent did as well. Still, it was a good cop movie seeing him track down the person, or persons responsible. Don Johnson does a fairly good job in this one, he is not the smooth cop he was in "Miami Vice" which I rather like. He is more human here and seems like a guy going through a very rough patch in his life. Despite all of his character flaws his main goal throughout the movie is getting his man. Not great by any means, but like I said I found it rather enjoyable.
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