Review of Æon Flux

Æon Flux (1991–1995)
It's like The Matrix for even bigger idiots
22 October 2010
Seriously, I challenge the writer to come up with a plot that goes from point A to point B without making pretentious pseudo-philosophical nonsense or portraying a cartoon woman's feet in a fetishistic manner. He can't seem to do it. In a world with anatomically challenged mutant aliens that somehow manage to become humanity's next great leap in evolution, I wouldn't think it's all that difficult.

In all earnestness, the aliens turning into humanity's next stage of evolution doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Humanity has had a torso for the whole of it's myriad of forms, from Chimp to Homo Erectus, it's torsos for all. I don't see how we can evolve without them.

Also the episode where Aeon Flux kept on going back to the sticky table with the grey mystery ooze made no sense. How did that kid know who that baby mutated into? I couldn't identify my own kid in a photo line up up you showed me several other pictures of babies, so how does a prepubescent kid know just by a single glance?

Another example, the episode where Aeon seduces an amputee for no apparent reason. Why does this amputee trust this woman? Wasn't he looking for someone else? Did he just see Aeon Flux and just decide "Oh well, good enough. Never mind the fact that my lover is trapped in prison and probably dead, I better help this stranger escape from a high security facility,"

Yet another of my complaints, don't worry, I'm not just gonna harp on the myriad of plot holes, is the horrendous art. The art looks like something I would have fever dreamed and the malformed, hideous, and uncanny valley residing characters emote and move roughly on the same level as a Chucky Cheese animatronics. The main complaint I have is that it talks a big, smart game, yet has all the wit and subtlety of a shovel to the knees.

Simply put, if you remove the pseudo philosophy, the foot obsession, and the skimpy outfits that Aeon wears (by the way, the way she is drawn makes me want to swear off women altogether) you are left with an unintelligible and incomprehensible mess. I've had hallucinogenic benders that have made better sense.

Don't watch Aeon Flux, unless you want to make fun of it mercilessly or you like reading the Marquis De Sade way too much.
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