Sisto is terrific in a strained movie with religious overtones and undertones
17 October 2010
Into Temptation (2009)

This is a religious film, really, in street clothes. And in the end it's about how being good is really good.

It's also a lesson in how you have to bend the rules to actually do the right thing--even if you fail. And that sometimes you do the right thing and succeed--without even knowing it.

Clearly a low budget movie, and a fairly simple one, in filmmaking terms (the sets, the light, the presence of the camera, the side characterizations, and the music, all these key elements, are unremarkable). But the plot itself, with its twists, is enough to make you at least curious. Yes, you wonder why it has to go tawdry at times, why there has to be some sexed up stuff for the viewer (it doesn't advance the plot, in the one egregious case). And there is a tidy solution to the central problem that will seem cheap to nonbelievers and magical to believers.

Most of all is a great performance by the lead, the priest, played by Jeremy Sisto. I knew him best from his role as Billy in Six Feet Under, and loved him there, and he is if anything more subtle and interesting (if less outrageous) here. It's a careful, felt performance in a movie that should have supported him better. Other aspects may jump out. His ex-girlfriend, whatever her role, is utterly believable, as much as the prostitute in question is not. The other priest is a caricature who overplays his part but has some great dialog with Sisto. There is the key flashback, which adds yet another layer of meaning, of cause and effect, and though it moved me somehow, I felt manipulated by it, and it was another case where the movie showed its seams.

So it may try too hard and strain within its resources (and with the director's reach--he has one other film to his credit, and famous as the voice in a Hamburger Helper t.v. ad), but it has moments that are right on. With Sisto's help. For those inclined toward religious sentimentality.
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