This got to be a joke. right? right?!
16 October 2010
I don't even know where to start on this one.

First, although it says differently, Val Kilmer & Christopher Lambert DO NOT play in this one. I can't believe I'm saying that but both of their recent work is better than this one (And their latest movies are really rubbish).

This movie has to be a joke. Even as a B-Rated movie it's bad. The acting is horrific, the sound is terrible and the plot is just.. hmm.. silly.

The movie itself is cut into several acts, or as the director decided to call them, "tales". Only sometimes you feel like a "tale" stopped in the middle of a sentence and continued for the rest of it. Let's just say that the first 5 minutes of the movie include 3 tales (!).

What's up with the credits, by the way?! I know that huge movies, with many stand-ins and lots of effects, take about 6-7 minutes. This movie has 15 (!) minutes of credits. What?! Why?! Who wants to even be credited on such an awful movie?! The only chance you can enjoy this movie, is if you drink a lot before and act as if you're seeing a joke. Suggestion for a drinking game: Every time a really lousy special effect appear - you drink a shot. You won't survive 10 minutes..
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