A truly memorable funny and unforgettable comedy
10 October 2010
At last I have watched a comedy movie which made me laugh from start until finish virtually non stop. I don't know this Leon Custer actor guy and I have never heard of Mr Bones 1. In fact, I only bought Mr Bones 2 on DVD this week because I walked into a DVD store and I saw 10 people watching a preview and laughing at the movie.

wow, what a wonderful funny and even romantic movie! I am not being sarcastic by saying that if you don't mind this movie, there must be something wrong with you. after all the American and even British comedies lately which aren't remotely lately, this movie is a breath of fresh air, make no mistake.

it reminds me vaguely of crocodile Dundee when he visited new York all these years ago (Paul Hogan) but this is even more zany but with a wonderful but not overdone love story. All the scenes fit well into the movie and are very very funny indeed - the parrot in the kitchen, the under-arrest at the near beginning, the dildo scenes, the King and the 'door' scenes, the King and Bones at the hospital and at the fancy dress party, so so much indeed to commend.

On top of so much about South Africa this year, this is truly fantastic. It also serves as a blessing to bring black and white together in one story and involving the Indian community as well, I just couldn't stop laughing.

Personally, I think its worthy of Oscar nomination, its an outrageous contention but the acting is terrific, the story is progressive and never exaggerated and the film is a comedy, so it should be funny - and it definitely is. The let down is the swearing by the parrot and the dildo innuendos but they are vague in the extreme and any child watching this I don't think will be in any way offended. There is nothing sexual in the movie and if it wasn't for the swearing, I would definitely score this movie a 10 because it sets out to do what most movies fail to do - entertain and make us enjoy watching the movie.

I watched that Austrian guy in Bruno and other similar stuff, just garbage. yes, this film is very very silly but this is escapism and adventure and fun and sheer delight and I warmed to this as I did to 'My name is Khan' earlier this year.

Thank you South Africa and Mr Director for bringing us such a wonderful heart warming movie. My kids have watched it, my neighbours have, my maids and even my ex-wife and other friends, I don't understand if released in 2008 in South Africa, why just released worldwide.

The only 2010 film I can compare with is Jackie Chans 'Spy next Door' but this is a much better made film overall. Few comedies make me laugh but this one touched a nerve. And don't overlook the closing sequences either, all part of the package!
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