Ceský sen (2004)
Waste of Time
25 July 2010
I don't want to waste too much time on this review, as the film itself was already time wasting enough.

First of all, nothing happens. The picture of the film makers being chased on the front cover was bogus, they weren't chased, they weren't attacked -- some people argued with them at the end of the 'prank' in an extremely non-threatening way and that was all.

Secondly, the film was extremely poorly made. It's honestly hard to make a documentary this boring, everything about the production was poor and not even up to a decent amateur standard. It's amazing how poorly edited and selected the cuts that they used were. Just really, really, woefully poor film making.

In the end, when pressed on the issue, the film makers admitted that they got the money for this big hoax as a grant from the Czech government. Apparently, they are privileged boys with some connections. It's actually quite sickening when you think about a relatively poor nation like the Czech Republic having their tax dollars squandered in this way so that two unusually dim witted brats can play a big joke on a couple thousand people.

And I have to say, considering the time and resources involved, getting what looked like at most 2,000 people to show up for the joke is not very impressive. These guys are underachievers all the way to the finish.

Boring, offensive, poorly made, waste of time. End.
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