The Secret of the Mummy
19 July 2010
A totally off-the-wall low-budget Brazilian horror-comedy about a mad scientist (Wilson Grey) who revives an ancient mummy Runamb (Anselmo Vasconcelos) who starts immediately killing men and kidnapping women. Further adding to the character gallery are the professor's frustrated blonde wife Gilda (Clarice Piovesan), his deranged assistant Igor (Felipe Falcao), a horny maid named Regina (Regina Casé) and two journalists investigating the crime spree.

I'm not sure if the craziness is intentional stylization or just ineptitude, maybe both? Technically it's hardly high quality: the film keeps alternating between colour and B&W, always staying very faded and grainy throughout. The story keeps jumping to and fro using various techniques from colourful flashbacks to old newsreel footage of a totally unrelated beauty contest, the pacing is seemingly random, the plentiful nudity is exploitative and the acting is laughable. Still, the movie is funny as hell! Bizarre, psychedelic, trashy... Perfect midnight movie experience!
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