It's raining!!....
16 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Despite scientist Nathan's warnings, his boss continues an experiment meant as publicity for his satellite firm: exploding an asteroid. Instead it splits, and the major piece, the size of Iceland, changes course to earth.

It is deflected but so close that it shift our course closer to the sun, causing rapid extreme heating, hopefully only mid-term. Nathan warns his sister, TV journalist Carly, and she her lover, police detective Tom.

He brings his unruly daughter Kim, her ex-con lover C.J. and her mother, nurse Bonnie, when Nathan offers a flight to a friend's Arctic weather station.

Tom takes charge of a dangerous trip to the airport, as everywhere on earth things catch fire and people fight for water, transport and sheer looting.....

fantastically bad from the beginning, Van Dien shows his shirt no mercy as he spends the duration of the film sweating and looking a little concerned in some scenes. it's highly unbelievable that this guy could have a family, let alone trying to bring it together, but he does.

as the heat rises, we see the group walk very slowly, meeting people and getting into scrapes. This carries on for the whole film.

Van Diens daughter has to be as unlucky as Kim Bauer, because she has a gun to her head a couple of times, nearly gets blown up, and faints at the badness of it all.

if this had an amazing budget, big stars (no offence to the cast here) and Bay at the helm, this could have been a fun popcorn blockbuster.

Instead we get one dimensional villains, extras who appear to be asleep on the floor, and a literal mad scientist.

But it's awful in a laughable sort of way.
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