Great ensemble comedy form the brilliant Broken Lizard Crew
27 May 2010
While people are going to INSTANTLY compare this to Super Troopers on how it doesn't reach that standard (easily the funniest and most quotable movie of their repertoire) and while it is slow in the beginning, the movie easily has you laughing with the absurdness. Each character is flushed out well enough for the movie's purposes, and each gives you the right laughs at the right moments. Quotable, outlandish, and insane. A mix of Waiting meets Glengarry Glenross meets...well...Super Troopers. However, if this STILL hasn't won you over, there is one sole reason to see this movie:

Michael F***in' Clarke Duncan.

HOLY hell did he have fun with this script. His character of the Champ has the BEST lines of the whole movie, and I almost wonder how much was scripted and how much is just him going off the chain. Best lines of the movie:

(while admiring his sister's triplets) "Look at the little babies! Hey, it's Uncle Cleon. Damn, they all look the same. What did you do, f**k a Xerox machine?"

(to Japanese translator) "How do you say 'motherf***er' in Spanish?"

and my personal favorite— "You know what ten grand feels like in your pocket? It feels like a third c*ck."

Seriously, get some beers, grab some friends, and watch this movie. It's good times.
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