If you are reading this because you liked the short story, go for it
29 April 2010
If you are reading this because you liked the short story I would say go for it. I read the story in Nightmares and Dreamscapes and it hung with me. I don't understand the negative comments and all I can figure is that:

A. They didn't read the story or

B. They didn't read the story.

For gods sake, it's not an academy award winner and it wasn't intended to be. This was a very good enactment of the story and that's about all I can say. Not bad for a Saturday afternoon throw away movie. It delivers the essence of the story, Also I would advise any Stephen King fans to read or listen to the audio book, On Writing. It's pretty much an autobiography of the trials and tribulations of a writer who will go down in history as a contemporary, or superior, of any given living writer. Even if you don't write and you just enjoy the reading you will gain volumes of insight into King's mind. It's every bit as fascinating as any of his novels or short stories. Don't dilly dally, just watch it.
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