What an adventure into the world of dinosaurs!
9 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The year is 1911.Professor Challenger has learned that there is a plateau in the Amazon jungle where the dinosaurs are still alive and well.He goes to the London Museum of Natural History with a shot prehistoric Ptetosaur.The lecturer, professor Summerlee is most skeptical about the whole story, as are many others.There will be an expedition and Summmerlee agrees to come along.John Roxton, a noted hunter and ladies' man volunteers for the trip.And so does Daily Gazette Journalist Edward Malone, who wants to look like a hero in his girl Gladys' eyes.On the way they meet Reverend Theo Kerr and his niece Agnes Cluny.Roxton starts flirting with the girl, and eventually Edward and Agnes start noticing each other.She leaves with the group to see the dinosaurs.The Reverend doesn't like the idea of her leaving, but eventually he's there with them.But he doesn't want to follow them all the way to the place that's not part of God's kingdom.Finally they find the place and are all in a great danger surrounded by all those dinosaurs.There are also some ape-men, and the Indians they find want to get rid of all those creatures.Roxton falls for the patriarch's daughter and marries her.He gets stabbed by an ape and the others leave thinking he is dead.When they get back to civilization, they decide not to tell about the lost world.The Lost World (2001) is directed by Stuart Orme.It's based on the Arthur Conan Doyle novel.This is a BBC program consisting of two 75-minute episodes.I found those episodes on a DVD in the library and enjoyed watching them very much.Bob Hoskins is terrific as Prof. George Challenger.James Fox is marvelous as Prof.Leo Summerlee.Tom Ward does very fine job as Lord Kohn Phillip Roxton.Matthew Rhys is great as Malone.Elaine Cassidy is wonderful as Agnes.It's truly a joy to see Peter Falk playing the Reverend.Robert Hardy is magnicifent as Prof. Illingworth.Nicole Whippy is very good as the Indian girl Maree.And so is Joanna Page as Gladys.This is some great fun for those who are interested in dinosaurs.And those creatures look fantastic, the effects were created by the same team that had just completed Walking with Dinosaurs (1999).The filming took place actually in New Zealand.The Lost World offers an interesting religion vs. science debate, God vs. Darwin.You feel a little shocked when the man of religion, Falk's Theo Kerr knocks off the log so they wouldn't be able to return.It's most exiting when Edward and Malone escape the Allosaur and the big beast falls into a pit after them and is killed on two wooden spikes.And it looks amazing the sequence where the ape-men, who are in a wooden cage, call two Allosaurs to the village that cause a great damage.There's also a good zeal of humor involved.Take the sequence where Summerlee captures the huge moth while the Pteranodon catches their barbecue.The baby Iguanon Malone names Figaro is like straight from a Disney picture! Step into the world of dinosaurs and you will have an adventure you will never forget!
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