A film where little is said and less is occurs other than people waiting and watching. incredibly dull.
25 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this on IFC in Theaters and it was a really poor choice for a Christmas movie.

File this under the definition of glacially boring.

This played the New York Film Festival?

Romanian film concerns a cop who tailing a kid as a possible drug suspect but can't get anything on him. We watch as he stands ans watches and waits, and follows, and avoids his bosses who want a bust, and eats meals with his wife and watches some more. And then he walks around and he watches some more. And then he gets called into his bosses office and reads the dictionary and then...

I spent much of the running time trying to deduce how this got a release anywhere. I think the film was sold as the next big thing in Romanian cinema after Four Months Three Weeks and Two days. I think they were sold a bill of goods. This is a snoozer. Nothing happens....or rather nothing that requires a two hour running time. Only for those who like paint drying (IFC listed this as a comedy, but I don't find it funny)

Take a pass.
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