Review of Avatar

Avatar (2009)
Excellent Sci-fi movie
20 December 2009
The core of the story in Avatar has been seen before, but you could say that about most of the film classics we praise today. Of course a good story is essential, and the story in Avatar is good not to mention very current even if you have seen it before and know where it leads, and you will just by having seen the trailer. What Cameron does to outweigh this though, is by introducing us to an unbelievable, jaw-dropping alien, yet very earthly world. By now I have only seen the movie once, but the incredible visuals still stays with me days after, and I do not think I have ever experienced the same with any other movie before. The world Cameron has created is full of life and color and you actually believe it 100%. You can almost smell the flora and fauna and in 3d it does seem as if you are there! The characters are good without being great, except for Colonel Miles Quaritch played by the always excellent Stephen Lang. He is awesome as the baddie, and in many ways steals all the scenes he is in. Perhaps the best bad guy in a long time and luckily the final showdown between him and Sam's character is really no letdown. Also nice to see Sigourney Weaver again. In short, Cameron has made a greatly paced action sci-fi film, spiced with heart and romance, a great villain and the best visuals for a movie of that type, I have seen so far. I can't wait to revisit Pandora.
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