Grossly over-rated
13 November 2009
This film (currently at about 7.5 on IMDb) is grossly over-rated. I may well be over-rating it by giving it a 6.

I could tell you everything that happens in the film, without spoiling it, because it is the sheer tedium that is the only experience you will take away from this experiment in sparse word-play as film-making.

In fact, this entire film could simply be reduced down to the last scene, saving everyone a lot of wasted time. But, I tell you, even then it would still be a pretty unimpressive short. Maybe 7 out of 10.

The festival audience I saw this with was accepting of the film's tedium for a long time, but as minute after minute goes by with absolutely no character or plot development, we all grew fidgety, talking amongst ourselves about what a waste of a ticket this was, and many just started laughing outright at the screen. It was very much like an episode of MST3K. I suspect the reason nobody walked out was because there was nothing else to do before seeing the next film.

Although I feel that this film did have a point, and I got the point (which is why I generously give it a 6), I hope never to see another film by this director or editor in my life. One is plenty.
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