Into the Wild (2007)
*The Hearts Search For True Heart*
3 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with many others who have said that the main character makes some bad decisions (And you haven't?), and I agree that the film's story is far from the greatest story that has ever been made into a film. However, the story here is an important one that has a lot to say about being human. The story itself is certainly not at all an easy one to tell through the cinematic medium. Nonetheless, I really do think Sean Penn has captured this story nearly as well as it possibly could have been told on film, and that in itself is a stunning accomplishment. This story is so real, so human, that it reaches out and has obviously grabbed a ton of peoples hearts, including mine. The scenes themselves give off a very authentic feeling, even where some parts are somewhat rushed through for the betterment of the whole story, it ends up working well in full scope. Many of the scenes are extremely intimate, including the scene where Hirsch looks directly into the camera to increase this very aspect I feel. I know a lot of people have criticized this part, and I agree in most films it would have no place whatsoever, but here it is a very daring and effective decision by Penn in my opinion. Much of the film displays a vast amount of scenic beauty, and the scenes at slab city are nothing short of 'classic'.

To me, the important thing to take from the film is not why Chris decided to leave his parents and society. Nor do I think anyone can in their right mind criticize this decision he made. That is pointless. The fact is that it was his choice, whatever his accumulative reasons may have been is beside the point. The value here is in what he learns from the experience, and the incredible way in which he and Sean Penn have now shared that message with the rest of the world.

Eddie Vedders music was obviously the perfect choice for this film, as it sways with emotional depth and helps to carry the films authentic feel. There are many great acting performances here as well, none better than Catherine Keener's brilliant delivery of grace and genuine heart.

The story here ventures into the territory that drives all human experience. The search for authentic heart that all people, knowingly or not search for.

The heart searches for heart, only to find itself treading in a sea of broken hearts, all cut from the same Divine Cloth. The One, and the many...forever lost within ourselves.

"Happiness only real when shared" Chris McCandless

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