Just get a few guns.
10 October 2009
This flick is really a slice of propaganda, chock full of typical scare tactics directed at every day Americans. I certainly didn't learn anything new from this 'documentary.' If you think radical Muslims like western civilization just fine, then yea, you should park your liberal butt in front of the TV for an hour and watch this. But to those of us who have known this for the last fifteen years or so, this is nothing new.

A few items I have to dispute: this film professes that almost 15% of Muslims agree with the radical views put forth by guys like Hamas, Hezbullah and Osama Bin Laden. I seriously doubt that. Where are they getting those facts from? It is never backed up with a source. Also, why do they continually dance around the root issue that we deal with regarding these radicals? That is this: they hate Jews and they hate Israel. We support Israel and we are Israel's biggest ally. That is never really concluded in this film. It is just a blind, generalized attempt to scare the viewers. Obvious political motivation here. And I'm no lib, trust me...

Reminded me a lot of "Farenheit 911" in that it presents a ton of 'what ifs' and not a lot of facts. There are some scenes of guys in the streets burning the American flag, some scenes of radicals chanting 'die America' into megaphones...

While we could never ever trivialize the actions of these nut jobs, for them to take over this country would be something to see. To see the kids dressed up like suicide bombers and reciting words about jihad, now that is disgraceful. But what can you expect from a bunch of people who live like trained monkeys under a dictatorial government? They have not even experienced the basic freedoms that we take for granted: ownership of property, freedom of choice, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, etc etc...They are jealous and they are ignorant. But are they really that SCARY???

The sad thing is that so many Americans actually still CARE about these radical idiots. They are common murderers and criminals who abuse the religion that they profess to follow, and use it to hide behind in order to carry out wicked deeds.

One things for sure: I got my guns and the first one I see running across my lawn is getting mowed down, no second thoughts about it. But I didn't need to see this to figure that one out.

Invasion? I think not.

6 out of 10, kids.
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