Review of Starring Maja

Starring Maja (2009)
A wonderful little film that does what it is supposed to
24 September 2009
First of, let's understand what this film is. It's a feel good drama comedy. It doesn't aspire to any infinite truths. It's just a little story, about an obese teenage girl who is determined to be an actress, a young woman with a failed career as a filmmaker and equally failed personal life, and a teenage boy who appears to have everything but is living a tragic double life. We are introduced to their hopes for the future, their struggle for acceptance and their dreams.

The direct and honest approach is this films greatest strength. It doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. And it does what it sets out to with grace, the energy and the focus is unusual in Swedish film-making. Balancing somewhere between teen drama, romantic comedy and growing up story in both theme and tone it manages to hit all the right buttons and achieve exactly what it intended. You feel for these characters. As far as message go something is said about being who you are, about finding your place outside the given norm, about how we see anyone who is different, but it is gently placed in you pocket rather than smacked into your head. And most importantly, you smile, you cringe, you might even shed a tear or two and you genuinely laugh when you watch this movie. I know I did.

Anyone who has ever felt like a misfit, a weirdo, a freak and wondered what the hell you are doing wrong and tried to find somewhere to belong should feel right at home in this film.

This is my first IMDb-review ever and I am not really comfortable with writing in English, but I couldn't stand that this wonderful, sweet, heartbreaking, laugh out loud funny film didn't have any comments. So I hope more people will step up and help me market this gem.

If you have a chance to see it, take it!
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