One of The Best
22 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There are rare time movies touch us, and feel so real, especially with Hollywood making us believe that everything can happen, no matter what. Enter "C'est pas moi je le jure". A french film about A family going through a divorce, and how the children are raised, with one parent looking after them. This movie not only spits in Hollywood's face, but does so with grace and Honor to be so real, so imaginative and so amazing.

Leon is ten years old. He is not normal as he tells us. He tries to commit suicide sometimes. other times he is vandalizing his neighbours houses, and he has a trait he picked up from his mom: He is an amazing liar. But Leon is not the only one who's abnormal, his family directly shows that as well. His mom and Dad fight constantly, until they finally divorce one another. The mother leaves for Greece leaving Leon's father to watch over Leon, and his older brother Jerome.

Once she leaves the family falls apart, Leon decides to go insane, emotionally wrecking everything in his way. You feel for Leon, how he acts without a mom, and how he feels, you get a true sense of his character, and how empty he feels without her. But Leon quickly finds solace with another girl for whom he falls far. Lea. She is almost exactly like Leon in every way, she is messed up, none of the kids want to play with her and she and Leon are made for one another.

The movie gives us so much character development and processes it rather amazingly over the 2 hours the film goes on, it's one of the few movies thus far to really get a connection with your characters. Leon and Lea are not perfect, they are down right evil, but there intentions are pure. Leon stealing from other peoples houses to get a ticket to fly to Greece to see his mother whom abandoned him. And Lea trying to find her father, who has been on a business trip for over 2 years. None of them are perfect but, you still feel for them, and get attached, hoping for the best.

By the end of the movie you smile knowing that, Leon has kept one thing for himself: Hope. That even though a lot has happened in his life he can change, and hope for the better, hope for a new change on himself, hope to one day see his mother once again.

The film has so much and without spoiling every little detail, this is one I recommend to buy, it's not a perfect film, there is no such word for a film, but it is unique, amazing and touching. A pure gem. And the acting is done so well so real, it puts to shame anything Hollywood has put together.

For the reviewer who stated that this film is like Home Alone, I ask this, when in home alone did his parents divorce, or he vandalize a whole house, or cut himself and lie to to keep an alibi, or even swear. This movie is nothing like Home alone this is a masterpiece and is no John Hughes family comedy, this would be the Coen brothers take on Home Alone if anything.

Rent it, Buy it. Do whatever you can to see this film you won't be disappointed.
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