Route 666 (2001)
So Bad It's Good.
21 September 2009
My second time catching this and loving it even more. Not in the ways one is suppose to I'm sure. The film is a B-Movie to the core, with cheesy acting, special effects and the whole lot.

Lou Diamond Phillips, or as the cool kids call him, LDP, has to find and escort a witness back to court. The only problem is the witness is hiding out in the middle of the desert. The film opens with LDP finding him and the Russian gangsters he is testifying against tracking him down to kill him. A shootout occurs, one that is so horribly done that it feels like a low grade action film from the 80's.

On their way to bring the witness back, LDP begins having these bizarre visions of a graveyard and prison workers dying. Is there a connection? Well, out of nowhere he claims his father is buried out here. Coincidence? I think not, some clever writers came up with some genius ideas in this script.

At some point in the film, it becomes some sort of horror flick. With these zombies coming back from the dead to kill those who are on route 666. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention they take an abandoned road to get to their destination quicker. Isn't that always the case? These zombies get their 'power' from the road. That is a quote from the film. They are attracted from blood spilled.

The acting is well done from LDP and Steven Williams, the witness. The rest are pretty bad. The effects, are cheesy. The film has some kind of weird choppy slow motion style when the zombies appear. The make-up on them is low rent. They look like the road. Find any of this funny yet? I sure did.

The film is one of those, so bad it's good. I find it hilariously good. If you can't find the humour in bad cheesy horror films, then this will not be for you. The climax involves LDP connecting to his dead father and giving him his blood to save everyone. Weird? Sure is. The dead zombie father becomes good and saves his son. This film even falls under the good old 'drinking game' category. Give it a whirl if you find bad horror films hilarious.
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