Wow...who'd have known?
16 September 2009
I guess in the UK Isambard Kingdom Brunel must be a well-known man, but here in the United States no one has heard of the man. Heck, I was a history teacher and never heard of the guy, so I was surprised and happy to see GREAT--as it opened my eyes to the engineering accomplishments of this Victorian man.

The film is an animated short using a variety of mediums. Some of the animation looks a lot like Terry Gilliam's animations from "Monty Python's Flying Circus" but some is more traditional animation. This combination makes for a striking film and the music and style really make the whole thing stand out and grab your attention.

GREAT starts off with a discussion of the Industrial Revolution in the UK and its ascendancy to the world-class power in the 19th century. The inventions and thinkers that came about during this time in Britain are discussed in general and there is no mention of Mr. Brunel until well into the film. In the mean time, such luminaries as Darwin, Dickens and other great thinkers of the era are briefly highlighted. I like how very briefly, the film makers also dropped the name "Jack the Ripper" into this august mix! Overall, a very interesting film due to its bold and manic style. Be forewarned, however, that the film is very edgy--with some boobs and such thrown in for extra-edginess! Not surprisingly, this film won the Oscar for Best Animated Short.
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