Last of the Summer Wine (1973–2010)
May the summer wine last forever
20 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
One of the great pleasures of watching Last of the Summer Wine is being able to watch great character actors plying their craft. It is particularly enjoyable to be able to say, "He used be Captain Peacock", or "Sapphy's Gran", or "Mr Roper". The plots are pretty ludicrous and the situations repetitive, but the plots are based on the characters, and once you accept the premise that these elderly men are idle with their one goal in life being to resist being their ages, then their schemes, far fetched as many are, make some sort of sense. The women, interestingly, even unattached ones, seem to define themselves in terms of the men, either tut-tutting, sometimes collaborating, always commenting on what the men are up to. The scenery is superb, there is never violence, and money and illegal drugs are never mentioned. So, a restful, enjoyable program that always leaves a smile.
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