Chrome Angels (2009)
Paul LeMat Tinkers With Robots,Not Cars !
1 June 2009
Satisfying…Worth the $7 Coke and $3 popcorn,If We had seen in a mall cinema.

This film brings back The Robots unlike Terminator : Salvation.

The cast is lead by Stacey Dash & Paul LeMat ,With a heart-felt role by Richard Lynch,Makes the most of unusual plot that actually plays out logically.

If you squint you can make out the visages of Rhett Giles and Griff Furst (Leigh Scott buddies with big reps.) in disguise as bar no-goodniks .

Paul LeMat (American Graffiti) is back as a evil genius robot maker,Surely what Walt Disney would have devolved into.

Must admit Leigh Scott has matured in his craft,Nary a flaw in site for this Sci-Fi adventure.

So,Summing up we get motorcycles,A lot of Down Blouse shots of all the actresses,Robot violence,Maybe a resurrection or two( Said very carefully !).
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