The X-Files: War of the Coprophages (1996)
Season 3, Episode 12
Eat. Sleep. Defecate. Procreate.
26 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
War of the Coprophages the Limerick:

Mulder and Bambi are tracking

Cockroaches who on humans are snacking

These bugs are quite zealous

Then Scully gets jealous

Because Mulder on Bambi is macking.

This is one of the better Darrin Morgan episodes in my personal opinion. I think it sometimes doesn't get as much credit as it deserves because there are so many explanations given for the mysteries and twists and turns that occur that it can be somewhat hard to follow. The main story is that there are cockroach robots from outer space who have begun attacking humans in a small town in Maine and reports of the attacks have caused mass panic. Unfortunately, the source of the roaches is in a fertilizer plant which gets blown up at the end thus destroying the only way to explain what has happened. I personally like the episode because of the many interesting sequences and characters and some of the dialogue. I enjoy the interaction between Mulder and Scully on the phone especially early on with Mulder jumping to conclusions and then Scully just automatically coming up with some off the wall explanation that, no matter how rare, fits perfectly into the situation. I also love some of the Mulder and Scully relationship hints, specifically the Planet of the Ape quotes and the parallel used with Dr. Ivanov and Bambi at the end hooking up after a Planet of the Apes quote. They were meant for each other, haha. Anyway, just an all around great comedic episode. 10 out of 10.
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