The Hunt for the BTK Killer (2005 TV Movie)
Paranoia versus pride
11 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a documentary, a true story, a true criminal. A serial killer who had gone rampant or even silent for thirty years or so is titillated one day by some intellectual who is vain enough to do some research on his case. And that is enough to wake him up from his slumber and he will make one mistake that will bring him out, that is to say to court and ten prison sentences for his ten murders. A silly mistake indeed, a mistake caused by his ignorance of the modern world, of the computer he is using, and he will send a floppy disk, or diskette, to the police out of his great vanity and that floppy disk will reveal the identity of the author and the address of the computer on which it was last used. It is true he was a bad speller and he was a D+ and C- student at college. Never trust computers and believe they are mute and silent when you turn them off. They go on talking and telling things. This film is only interesting in the fact it reveals the immense self-satisfied pride of this serial killer, of maybe most serial killers.

Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, CEGID
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