Receiving a 1 Is Too Good For This Movie
31 March 2009
Thankfully, I did not pay to watch this Mike Myers presentation in the movie theater. I suffered through about half of the movie in my home. So, to be quite frank, I cannot tell you how the second half of the movie goes or how it ends. It is immaterial. Thankfully, I was also not watching this movie (I use that term loosely) on a airline flight. I just may have asked for a parachute and taken my chances. This movie was a piece of crap from the opening credits. i will not bother to look up the names of the supporting casts, because they do not deserve to be looked up for anything, except maybe to have their acting cards revolved. Yes, i understand they were just reading their lines. Oh, man, do I realize they were just reading their lines. It begins and ends with Myers. I usually enjoy his work. I don't understand what he was thinking or doing. Possibly, he read too many of his press clippings and thought he could just throw out anything and the public would buy it. I hope he lost money because this project doesn't deserve to earn anything positive. The kids in this piece of garbage were very annoying, and very amateurish. A total waste of time, money and film.
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