Usually Like Kevin James But ...(And It's a Big But-Pun Intended)
31 March 2009
I am a big Kevin James fan from watching him on "The King of Queens", but, this movie was really uneven. I'll give Kevin his props. He was pretty agile, and on the motorized cart he was good on that- whatever it is called. But the story line was slow at times, and sometimes just downright silly-stupid. I enjoyed seeing all the old crew from the "King of Queens" episodes. In fact, it would have been nice to see Jerry Stiller make a small cameo. That would have helped. I just got the feeling from watching some of the scenes, they weren't worked out as well as they should have been. And the script itself needed some over haul, especially the ending. I did laugh at a few pranks, but I didn't connect with the girl who played his daughter, for starters. That was bad casting there. Some scenes appeared rushed, or just didn't fit the flow of the movie. It just seemed the director and producer said to Kevin, "well, it's not great, but , what the heck, it's done, I laughed, let's go to the next shot." We kind of felt like that when we left the theater. "it's not that great, but what the heck. I laughed at a few things. Let's move on." Chances are, if you haven't seen this movie, you'll say the same thing.
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