Mac and Me (1988)
Possibly the worst film I've seen.
19 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. The incredible level of suckage in this film is amazing. A brief synopsis: So the film starts out on a barren planet. There is a family of aliens roaming around trying to drink stuff out of the ground when they are able to find it. The aliens resemble skinny Mickey Rooneys, if he was naked with reddish skin and stoned out of his gourd. A NASA pod thing lands on their planet to take samples, accidentally sucking up the entire family who apparently have no bones. In what is probably the shortest mission in NASA history, the pod takes off and leaves about 45 seconds later.

The pod gets back to Earth, freeing the extra-terrestrial family into a science lab. The youngest alien gets separated from the family and ends up in the van of a family moving to a new home. The main kid in the flick, Eric, is crippled, adding a level of manipulation that probably had Disney drooling. But he's a lame crippled kid, not like the one at the end of Sidekicks, who I'd like to believe turned into a badass.

Anyway, the alien destroys the house, because he's a dick like that and everyone blames Eric. Distraught, Eric goes for walk (read: roll) out behind his house, where there's a hill. The brakes go out on his wheelchair (Meineke missing a prime ad spot in this product placement free-for-all) and Eric rolls uncontrollably downhill and plunges off a cliff from about 50 feet in the air. The alien (who I guess is the "Mac" of the title, must have missed that part) saves his stupid ass from drowning.

After having his life saved, Eric decides to try and take Mac's. So with the help of his neighbor, a gruff-voiced girl presumably around his age, they trap him in a vacuum cleaner which damn near kills the thing. Here's where advertising comes in. The kids save the alien by giving him Coca-Cola, utilizing the soft drink's well documented medicinal properties. With everyone happy and alive, they dress Mac up like a teddy bear and go to a party at McDonald's where everyone is dancing because McDonald's is awesome like that.

Some government guys chase them around (through a Sears) and they end up finding Mac's family in a mine in the desert. They were near death and with the help of some more Coca-Cola, that magical elixir of the gods, the kids heal the whole family. They then bring the aliens back to town where they cause a huge explosion that kills Eric. Yep. The crippled kid gets blowed up. But the aliens bring him back to life (surprisingly enough, without the use of Coca-Cola). So everyone now loves the aliens. And in the most retarded ending I've ever seen, they become U.S. citizens and drive around in a Cadillac.

But don't worry, the story isn't the only sh-tty thing here. The acting, special effects, cinematography and music are all awful. It is hilarious in its awfulness, though. But it still may be the worst film I've seen.
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