You reap what you blow bubbles at...
19 February 2009
Director: Stephen Herek

Stars: Ellen Muth, Callum Blue, Jasmine Guy, Sarah Wynter, Britt NcKillip, Henry Ian Cusick

Synopsis: Now that Rube is gone the crazy band of Reapers must welcome their new boss Cameron (Cusick of "Lost") into the fold. After anarchy reins supreme George (Muth) must step out as the voice of reason even though she's breaking one of the golden rules and threatening to throw a wrench in the festivities by contacting those in a reaper's former life.

Thoughts: I was very fond of the short lived "Dead Like Me" show. Full of quirky characters and at times side-splitting situations "Dead" was very cleverly written and sensationally acted. I was a wee bit hesitant when I first heard the announcement of the film but when most of the cast returned I was much more interested. The two major character changes were the loss of Mandy Patinkin's Rube and Sarah Wynter stepping into a role originally played by Laura Harris. Other than that the same magic is here on a slightly bigger scale. The characters have nicely matured and progressed and the screenplay gives the fine ensemble a lot of fun situations to chew on. The overall look is a bit different. Director Herek wisely injected a bit more drama in "Life" and tweaked the look to resemble the Oscar-winning "American Beauty". Two changes that work for the continuation. They even manage to give you a possible taste of things to come. "Life After Death" succeeds in spite of the changes and I for one hope there's more to come.

Incidentally if you've never seen the show it's perfectly fine to jump in here. All the nuts and bolts are set-up fine and most won't have any problems following it. But if you really enjoy it go snap up the first two seasons. You'll be glad you did.

3.5 / 5
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