Review of Rob Roy

Rob Roy (1995)
It's the saddest comment on mediocrity that Braveheart rates higher than this.
15 February 2009
This thing is a timeless masterpiece. When Braveheart is long forgotten, and 35MM is a term known only in dim antiquity, there will still be fans of Rob Roy. It is SO incredibly well balanced and finely tuned. The stars are STELLAR!!! A true Star Ensemble. The writing, deft. The sets, costumes, cinematography, score.. All top top notch. The direction, the best he's done, and why not? Just look what he had to work with! You can see the power and versatility of every single actor by looking at the rich and impressive careers of Every One of Them!, the casting was the luckiest confluence I've ever seen (more likely that script pulled all these bright actors together. They knew that not many of that quality come along) The Braveheart - Rob Roy thing used to bewilder me, but now it merely saddens me. It just means that those of us who really love and CAN DETECT a great piece of work have to be activists for the work, over time. But really, no worries: This movie may not be for Everybody, but it is for Ever.
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