Very fair--despite some reviews to the contrary
26 January 2009
This is an extremely fair documentary about radical Islam, though some reviews are quite negative--almost like they didn't even watch the film and are just politicizing OBSESSION. While the film COULD have taken "an all Muslims are bad" attitude, the film makers were very, very careful NOT to paint the followers of the religion with a broad brush. They pointed out several times that the problem is a small percentage within the faith of radical murderers. Also, despite a few ridiculous reviews, this film was not some "Zionist" conspiracy. To believe this, you either couldn't have seen the film or you have a brain injury, as many (probably half or more) of the people in the film who speak out against this terror in the film are Muslims--and some of which are former terrorists or had family members who were suicide bombers. In light of this, you can't logically conclude the film is garbage or pure propaganda or some plot by Fox News. Any review that DOES make these allegations is not to be trusted--after all, some of the comments look more like attacks than an actual analysis of the documentary. One person even suggested that when the film was advertised as "award winning" that this was a lie--give it a rest and stop with the personal attacks!! While it was not Cannes or Sundance, the film did win awards at the Liberty Film Festival and Houston Worldfest International Film Festival. Now this doesn't mean you need to agree with everything in the film--but you also can't just ignore the issue of radicalism or write off the film because it makes you feel uncomfortable or think.

The film itself is logically presented, reasonably balanced and informative. Its purpose is to cause an emotional reaction within the viewers and it definitely will do that. It also calls for non-radicals within the faith to stand up against senseless terror and hatred--and what's not to like about that?!
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