Review of Dul hana sex

Dul hana sex (1998)
Waste of time
25 January 2009
I rented this DVD because I like Korean films generally. Unfortunately, this is a mess of a film; it resembled a student filmmaker's work-in-progress. It was apparently originally shot on 16 mm, and, judging by the graininess and the on-screen opaqueness (particularly watching it at home), it was transferred poorly.

This film apparently caused a big ruckus in Korea when it first appeared because of its sexual content, and it is billed in a number of places as 'hardcore,' which it isn't, unless there's a steamy bootleg copy somewhere. This is a snorefest; more than half the film is composed of simulated sex symbolizing (I think) the emptiness of life. You've seen this same premise, and same movie, more than a few times before.

This flick is hard to follow. It somehow got lost in trying to tell a story of existential angst, and settled instead for softcore silliness. Jeez, even the sex scenes are redundantly tedious. How bad is that?
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