Casablanca (1942)
A perfect film.
30 December 2008
Although I have so far reviewed over 5700 films, I haven't yet reviewed CASABLANCA--mostly because nothing I can say about the film can add to the many excellent and insightful reviews for this cinematic masterpiece. But, having seen it several times, I guess it's worth at least saying a few words out the film.

Although Humphrey Bogart is one of the finest actors ever and he made many, many wonderful films, I think it's not much of a stretch to say this is his best performance and best film. He was perfect for the world-weary and cynical Rick. Sure, African QUEEN, THE CAINE MUTINY and several other of his films were brilliant, but none come close to CASABLANCA because in my opinion CASABLANCA is a perfect film--or about as close to one as you can find. If IMDb were not so heavily weighted in favor of newer films (just look at the top 250), it probably would be at the top of the list. For example, you can't seriously think that THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION and THE DARK KNIGHT are better films, though they both are ranked higher on the list. Now this isn't to say these are bad films--heck they are terrific,...just not in the same category as CASABLANCA.

Aside from Bogart, the film also is directed perfectly by Michael Curtiz--with excellent pacing, atmosphere and charm. The supporting cast is amazing--one of the best you could find in a film. In addition to the great stock Warner Brothers character actors (such as Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre and Cuddles Sakall), Conrad Veidt is the perfect scary Nazi, Claude Rains is his usual wonderful self, Ingrid Bergman luminous and Paul Henreid, though a great actor, is somewhat lost among all the immense talent! Amazing music, a top script and all the style and quality that Warner Brothers could muster--this is my pick for top film ever. A fine romance and a fine film about people.
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