The Fallen Ones (2005 TV Movie)
Passable but could have been better!
21 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Giants have been in every mythology of every culture. This particular story takes place in Ancient Sumeria right before the flood of Noah. The story is based on the Biblical passages from Genesis and the passages from the non-Biblical Book of Enoch and the eventual return of the fallen angels and more matings with the daughters of Men as mentioned in the New Testament in the end times. The basis of this story starts with Genesis chapter 6 The matings of the Sons of God (Angels) and the Daughters of Men and their gigantic (more physically like the Titans of Greek Mythology in height anyways)cannibalistic (reference the Book of Enoch) offspring the Nephilim. The Angel Ammon knowing of the flood plans to have his hybrid son Aramis(?,the writer of this piece could have come up with a better name than this the origin of the name is Greek and is most associated with the Musketeer Aramis of Three Musketeers fame and mens cologne. He could have picked any mythological god or giant of Middle Eastern or Greek mythology)drugged and put in a deep sleep and mummified to call forth in the end times. The Sumerian priests sacrifice then mummify (Egyptian influence?The Egyptian civilization wasn't around during the flood)several male slaves and one female who are to serve Aramis when he is resurrected in the end times. The drug given by the priests to Aramis causes Aramis to become an insane mummy which causes his father Ammon to magically put him to sleep. After Noah's flood Ammon arrives during the time of Lot (Genesis Chapter 19)to destroy the city of Sodom and to start a new race of Nephilim with the youngest daughter of Lot. After Ammon destroys the city of Sodom (There are three theories as to why the citizens of Sodom were destroyed the first being homosexuality,second inhospitality to strangers and the third lusting after "strange flesh" flesh not of the human persuasion such as Humans having sex with fallen angels which also gave rise to the legends of the succubi,incubi and demon lovers)and possibly humans having sex with certain animals like apes Yeti and Sasquatch hybrids and then if you look at some of the half human gods in different mythologies maybe there was a reason why those myths were created. Ammon destroys the wife of Lot and persuades the two surviving daughters of Lot to get their own father drunk and commit incest with him and become pregnant. The younger daughter of Lot is also the lover of the fallen angel Ammon she has relations with Ammon and her father Lot the same night. She names her son after her fallen angel lover Ammon Ben-Ammi unfortunately for Ammon Ben-Ammi is the son of Lot and is human not giant. So skip over to thousands of years and Ammon is back to start another race of hybrid Nephilim in the 21st century and out of love resurrect his brain damaged giant of a son who's body is found not in Iraq (Ancient Sumeria) but in the United States in what was once Native American territory. The acting was decent considering some of the script they had to work with. This film could have left out the metal mummy machine and the idiotic chant of the followers of Ammon "Ammon Naamah".Strange chant. Naamah by the way was a descendant of Cain and one of the first women to mate with a fallen angel named Shamdon and their son was a half-demon known as Asmodai or Asmodeus and another descendant of Cain was a Naamah who was the wife of Noah of the flood fame. Anyone who loves mythology,the Bible,B-Movies reminiscent of the 1940's and 1960's mummy or Ray Harryhausen flicks will enjoy this film.
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