Something the Lord Made (2004 TV Movie)
A rapper that can act!
3 December 2008
Back in November i made a sweeping statement that rappers cannot act . After making that statement a myspace friend (opiniohaver) told me to have a look at " Something the Lord Made " and check out the acting of rapper Mos Def . I have done and it have got to admit i was wrong because Mos Def was superb . In fact he's better than his highly experienced co star Alan Rickman.

Alfred Blalock is chief surgeon at Johns Hopkins University, where he is pioneering new techniques in heart surgery. Blalock makes the acquaintance of Vivien Thomas , a carpenter hired to work at the University, and to his surprise discovers a man of keen intelligence who has a great interest in medicine. However, as a poor black man in the Jim Crow South, Thomas lacks the financial resources to obtain a medical degree, though he certainly has the knowledge and the desire.

Blalock takes Thomas on as his lab assistant, and together they develop a technique that allows them to correct a common congenital heart defect in children. However, while they work side by side in the lab and in the operating room, Blalock and Thomas do not walk the same paths in society, and Thomas develops a deep resentment that he has been given little credit for his contribution to a medical innovation that makes Blalock famous

Not only is Mos Def's display good the film is really good too. I'm always a little weary of films made for TV or Cable . They sometimes look a little cheap and they don't usually get much critical acclaim. To be fair films made for HBO are usually the exception and What the Lord Made can sit along side most mainstream movies and hold it's head up high.

It is quite an emotional movie that focuses a lot on the fact that Thomas did not receive the acclaim he deserved for the medical breakthrough in heart surgery from his boss or from the medical fraternity .

When he finally received the credit he deserves , his mentor ( or was he the mentor?) was long gone.

Its not made clear as to why Blalock did not give Thomas any credit when he was receiving accolades from his fellow doctors . I'm sure he wasn't racist , unlike some of his colleagues . perhaps he felt that they would not respect him as match if he credited a black man? I don't suppose we will ever know.

The film has some really interesting news reel clips of what was happening with the race and student riots back in the early sixties and they only add to what is an enjoyable , informative movie.

This film won three Emmy's and was nominated for two Golden Globes. That says it all.

At least i know now that there is one rapper who can act but are there any more?

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