I would give it a one, but I like Spider-man and the X-men to much to do that to them.
1 October 2008
I looked forward to this game when I heard of its release. I so wanted to buy it, but my dad insisted I rent it first. I have to say he was right as this had to be one of the most disappointing games I have ever played. I was a huge Spider-man and X-Men fan and this game promised to give me my favorite heroes in one game going against the insane Arcade. The premise was good, the opening story was good, the game not so much. First, it is insanely hard...I don't think I was able to complete but a couple of levels. I think the Spider-man levels were the ones I could actually do. Wolverine was in it as well...someone had a swimming level I think Storm. Other than that I can not clearly remember other X-men used. Maybe Cyclops and NightCrawler. All in all thanks to the hard and relatively short gameplay this game would be the typical X-men game released during this time. They had many games released and they all were usually really hard or short or both. Spidey had a couple of better games, but his greatness did not really start till that game for the playstation one came out. So if you want a game that really sucks and is to hard featuring the x-men and Spidey then go for this pile of crap.
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