Paging The Criterion Collection
18 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the Joseph Conrad novel that forms the basis for this film, but regardless of whether or not it is true to the source material, Outcast of the Islands is a remarkable film and a sterling example of pure cinema. Trevor Howard delivers the greatest of his many fine performances as the morally compromised Willems, who finds himself stranded on a remote Indian Ocean trading outpost. His malign influence soon infects all around him, including fellow English ex-pat Almayer (Robert Morley, also in magnificent form) and crafty local Babalatchi (George Coulouris). Willems finds himself enthralled by native girl Aissa (exotic Algerian-born actress Kerima), the daughter of the local chieftain, but finds his lust turned against him by an Arab trader (Dharma Emmanuel) eager to get a slice of the trading action. William Fairchild's screenplay is erudite, sharply written, and probably went miles over the heads of most 1950s audiences, as it implicitly confronts issues of sex, race, and imperialism at a time when Britain was just beginning to disassemble its Empire. Ted Scaife and John Wilcox share credit for the film's cinematography (it's my guess that one went on location to Sri Lanka whilst the other stayed home to shoot interiors), and their work is frequently stunning, capturing indelible images of tropical life: boats skimming across the water, pounding rainstorms that seem to melt whatever they touch, natives intently and quizzically watching their white guests. But it's Howard's performance that will stay with you, as he transforms from canny con-man to obsessed fool (is it only coincidence that the object of his affection shares the name of H. Rider Haggard's all-powerful She?) to power-mad villain with consummate ease. And I would be remiss not to mention the understated performance of Wendy Hiller as Almayer's charity case wife, and little Annabel Morley's turn as spoiled six-year old Nina--young Annabel seems to have had a great time working with her Daddy! A truly great work of art, Outcast of the Islands is crying out for rediscovery and critical reassessment: I was at turns reminded of films such as Lord of the Flies, Salt of the Earth, Woman in the Dunes, and even Apocalypse Now, all films that came AFTER what is, arguably, director Carol Reed's finest hour. It's essential viewing for anyone who loves the art of movie-making.
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