Hold 'Em Jail (1932)
Satirizing Two Genres
3 September 2008
Hold 'Em Jail finds Wheeler&Woolsey neatly framed and sent to prison for something they didn't do. Never mind though, they make jail seem like fun, except for all around them.

Though Bert and Bob have the spotlight and do their usual monkeyshines, what I like best about Hold 'Em Jail is the incredibly good cast that RKO and director Norman Taurog assembled in support of them. When you've got such scene stealers as warden Edgar Kennedy and his wife Edna May Oliver and convicts like Paul Hurst and Warren Hymer doing their usual thing, Wheeler&Woolsey would have been hard pressed to keep up. Pay close attention to Edgar Kennedy in his scenes with the boys, he really makes them work.

I also liked the fact that the script got Bert and Bob to star on the prison football team giving the film a great opportunity to satirize two genres, prison films and college rah-rah football games. Edgar Kennedy has a $1000.00 bet with the warden of another prison team and he's depending on these two to win it for him. The football game at the climax is even funnier than what the Marx Brothers did in Horsefeathers.

Betty Grable is also in Hold 'Em Jail as Kennedy and Oliver's daughter if you can believe she sprung from that gene pool. She would have an decade long climb to top box office in the Forties as America's girl next door with the million dollar legs. Robert Armstrong also has a nice bit as the radio announcer of the inter prison football game.

This is one of Wheeler&Woolsey's best films and holds up very well for today's audience.
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