Good L&H
10 August 2008
Double Whoopee (1929)

*** (out of 4)

Silent short has a Royal Prince showing up at a lavished New York City hotel just in time for Laurel and Hardy to start their first day on the job. This is a pretty good short that has a lot of great laughs, although the thing starts to wear out towards the end. The best gag is at the start of the movie when Laurel and Hardy are mistaken for the Prince himself, which leads to the boys welcoming their new fame even though they don't understand what it's all about. Another great gag involves Hardy's constant run ins with a cop (Tiny Sandford). A lot of fans won't watch these Laurel and Hardy silents, which is a real shame because the two were great comic actors even without the benefit of their voices. The two's chemistry is certainly easy to spot and the way the two have to use their facial gestures just adds more laughs. Jean Harlow has a important role towards the end of the film, although I guess it would be more fair to say she has important joke pulled on her when her dress gets caught up in the taxi door, which of course drives off leaving her in next to nothing.
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