Ned Kelly (1970)
31 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What most of the comments here are missing is the simple fact that 'Ned Kelly' is boring, and not just a little boring. I mean, sleep-inducing, prop-your-eyelids-open-with-toothpicks-to-stay-awake boring. It's a curiosity, nothing more. "Hey, Mick Jagger starred in a western, wonder what it's like?" And like most curiosities that weren't popular in their initial release, it hasn't improved with age. As wonderful as he is in stage performances, Jagger just doesn't have much screen presence. Certainly not enough to overcome his celebrity; you don't for one moment forget you're watching Mick Jagger. He had the same problem in 'Freejack' as I recall. I haven't seen his last film, 'The Man from Elysian Fields,' but I would imagine he's gotten at least somewhat better with age.
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