a piece of crap plain simple, better things in flash movies on the web
12 July 2008
It's very sad to see that we mexicans think that just because a movie was created in Mexico we should support it because is Mexican, sorry guys but a movie should be supported because it has QUALITY not for being Mexican or American or whatever. This movie is AWFUL plain simple, just another easy story that everybody knows how it's going to end, the animation is beyond awful and don't make excuses saying that it was not very good because it has a low cast or because it was the first try, just check some animations in the web created with flash like this one and you are going to see works 3,000 better than this one, with no budget at all, and created by one or two guys. And the worst part is that the next movies created by this studio are as bad as this one, it's a shame to see that animation is in such a low level in Mexico, but it's even worst to see that people supports this stuff just because they think is right because it was created in Mexico, so come on!!! take my money away! a sad story indeed.
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