Not as good as it sounds--and it sounds pretty awful!
9 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film involves a group from the Peace Corps who have come to a tiny island to help out and do a bit of scientific research. When they arrive, they are shocked to see that the villagers involve themselves in a human sacrifice ritual of sorts. Oddly, while shocking, the group at first seemed to take this in stride--I guess they didn't want to pass judgment on quaint native customs. Soon after discovering this, the group is introduced to Mario Montenegro--who lives in a Western-style home on this completely primitive island! How he managed this is never explained, but considering how dopey the film was, I guess this didn't matter. Along the way, they encounter blood-thirsty trees (I am not kidding) and a horny green monster you just have to see to believe!

Talk about low-budget trash! This is a horrible little movie that was made in the Philippines and starred American "actors" as well as Filippinos. As for the Americans, most didn't look or sound like actors--particularly "Beverly Hills" (a.k.a. Carla Henderson), who looks more like a 1960s-era stripper. Sticking his hot blonde bombshell with a group from the Peace Corps was unintentionally very funny (maybe she thought it was the "Piece Corps"). Mario Montenegro (as the Mad Scientist) was interesting because he answers the question "what would a Filippino version of Dirk Bogarde look like?". He didn't seem very menacing or interesting, but it was interesting to see that Mr. Bogarde has a twin (of sorts). As for most of the Filippino women, they were there mostly to have their clothes torn off--making their performances probably the most convincing in the movie.

If I had to try to find some nice things to say about the film, I guess I'd have to say that for this type of film, the music and print aren't bad. The sores that later appeared on Montenegro are also kinda cool (though watching him transform was just plain silly). Plus, the naked ladies were rather attractive--though this makes this far from a family-friendly flick. For all the pervs out there, there just aren't enough of them to make this worth the trouble of watching it, either!

The bottom line is that this is a super-low budget film with tons of schlock and I can't understand why it's rated so highly on IMDb. The only real value such a film has is as a party film--so you and your friends can laugh at how inept the whole thing is.

By the way, for a laugh, look on IMDb at all the alternative titles for this movie--they are pretty campy!
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