Review of The Furies

The Furies (1950)
over-hyped, over-blown, and scholcky
2 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
just have to add some leavening to the loaf of praise this film is getting on IMDb. the film is difficult to sit thru; you don't quite know where it is going - which should be a plus, except you don't really care. each performer seems to enter the set with the avowed intention of being larger and hammier than anyone else in the take. these are performers i like, usually, but their bloated excesses are pretty boring here. i suppose the film wanted to show the swaggering folk who tamed a raw land, but the result is ridiculous.

the one performance i found convincing and liked was anderson's; her scenes with stanwyck bring out the best in them both, at least until stanwyck's fling with the scissors.

if you liked lust in the dust, aka 'duel in the sun' the sprawling sort of movie with elbows and egos flying then this might actually be your cup of tea.
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