The Clangers (1969–1974)
Life On Another World.
1 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Once more we have a highly inventive piece of television from the golden age of originality. And this time it's for kids.

Gosh; why do we have so much cheap, unimaginative computer-generated crap from America when we can produce wonderful things like this? The Clangers were a functional nuclear family. Remember them? Nowadays the feminist fascists would have such a politically-incorrect piece of propaganda burnt. But in 1969, when sanity still had the upper-hand, this was top TV.

Clangers are tiny mouse-like creatures that function by stop-go animation. They live on a small, seemingly arid moon. Their homes are in craters that are covered by dustbin lids. No explanation is offered for this incongruity, and none is required. They share their world with a soup dragon, which appears to be the only one of its species. No explanation is offered for this either. Take it or leave it.

Each of the few episodes entails some simple, but interesting adventure. They speak with the voices of tin whistles, whilst mellow-voiced Mr Postgate translates and explains. It's a simple, well-worn British television formula dating back to 'Watch With Mother', and it works a treat. The story often entails some sly little social comment that probably went over the heads of most tots, but raised a grin from the parents. It was very much like the narration from 'The Magic Roundabout'.

All's well that ends well, and The Clangers went to bed. Imagine 'The Wombles' on the moon and you're not far out. Then again; maybe you are.

A classic, original and well-loved series that had a typically short run, but is at least available on DVD. Young kids couldn't be bought a better present.
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