Review of La machine

La machine (1994)
Nice SF thriller
14 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't call La machine a perfect movie, but it is well done and gives good thrills mostly by fitting music and cinematography, while hardly displaying gore. You can create enough tension by just showing a door-knob slowly opening.

Having seen 36 Quai d'Orfevres and Boudu in the last few days, I must say Gérard Depardieu is impressive in yet another type of role (or should we say, three?) Only in the end I lost track who is now in whose body...

To blame this film to be a "pre-make" of Face/Off made three years later is obviously silly. But I notice quite some similarities with the cutely named "The Man Who Changed His Mind" (1936/I), with Boris Karloff - and, of course, many dissimilarities as well.

I liked this movie, and give it 7/10.
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