Desert Saints (2002)
So cheesy, so bad, it's not even worthy of a 'C movie' status
7 May 2008
I bought the DVD as part of a promotion package, looking for movies that I would probably not enjoy very much, but that would be entertaining enough to watch while working out on my cross trainer (movies I wouldn't want to waste time at otherwise). But man, was I mistaken. It was complete horror watching this. The positive thing was that the anger and frustration that built up inside of me while watching it, could be unleashed in my workout (although I still have some left to write this comment). But I was close to tearing it out of my DVD player and destroying the Thing. A total disgrace. Beforehand I thought it might even turn out to be an OK movie, as Keifer Sutherland is definitely not the worst actor out there, but I'm surprised he got work after participating in this, this... rrrrr. The acting and screenplay are so painful, I was thinking at one point this must be a spoof. But even then, it would have been a sick, sick joke. If you try and copy from other movies, if you use so many clichés, at the very least (I mean, you have examples right?) try and reach a minimum level of quality. Enough time wasted on this. There's nothing that I can think of that could be a bigger waste of time than this movie. Watching the toilet flush for 88 minutes will be a better investment than watching this mindless, pretentious, lifeless eyesore.
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