Not Too Hot But It Did Try
25 April 2008
From the opening sequence I thought I had MELTDOWN nailed as a cross genre film which mixes DEEP IMPACT with a cop thriller . This seemed a strange idea , but that's not how the plot unravels . Apparently the near miss with the asteroid causes the Earth to spin off its axis which leads to the world's temperature rising , rising and rising . So we've got a plot featuring something similar to the novels of Wyndham and John Christopher where a group of people have to find sanctuary or else they'll join most of the world's population in dying a slow terrible death

I can't say MELTDOWN is a great apocalypse movie but since it's a direct to video/DVD film therefore lacking a big budget it's a relatively good meaningless time waster . My only real problem is a line of dialogue spouted by the scientist character in the sewer which happens half way the running time which will you leave you gasping " oh dear I think they've given away the ending ! "
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