Succubus: Hell-Bent (2007 Video)
Decent entry, if not overtly spectacular
14 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Succubus: Hell Bent" is an only moderately entertaining supernatural film.


Arriving in Cancun for Spring Break, friends Adam, (Robert L. Mann) and Jason, (Jayson Blair) stumble across a fellow partier, Lilith, (Natalie Denise Sperl) along for the similar experience. Returning back to L.A., they get into trouble by his father Wallace, (David Keith) for wasting his money where they run into her again at a party, where their encounter is resumed. Confused over the continuous need to be around him, he becomes a target for the police when a friend of his turns up dead in his care. Trying to get over it only makes her more ruthless and aggressive towards tracking him down, which culminates in more stalking and the eventual deaths of more of his friends. When it eventually dawns on him that he is dealing with a supernatural entity that is attempting to steal his soul away, he finally calls upon hunter Sentinel, (Gary Busey) who tries to help him defeat the demon once and for all.

The Good News: This here has a few good parts that make it at least somewhat interesting. The fact that the several sex scenes between the two antagonists do get better with each of the times done manages to make them quite entertaining as they build up the intensity from each one. There's a sense of fun to be had from these that there's even more of a danger when it suddenly turns into a series of subtly-changing events during the course of the events. Those are the real reasons for these being so fun, as after a while it becomes obvious that it's the pattern and the anticipation which comes from them is where it gets fun. The fighter plane sequence is also pretty fun, especially the ending which manages to get incredibly exciting and interesting. The last big plus is the finale, which is good, cheesy fun. The demonic incantations, the Satanic imagery and action are all combined into a really entertaining and exciting part that just makes the film go out on a high note with the goodness it has. It's the best part of the film, and along with the other parts, makes it watchable.

The Bad News: Frankly, this one here does have a few problems with it. The fact that there's not much of a plot to it is perhaps the biggest question mark. It really just wanders around aimlessly for the first thirty minutes just simply following the two around trying and mostly succeeding in picking up women. Not only does this just make for dull and completely useless scenes of them doing it. There's nothing that can be done about it as it's the continuous going around of parties and managing to score with women, which is just irksome and rather tiring of having to see the same sort of behavior repeated again and again which isn't fun to watch either way and makes them incredibly aggravating scenes to get through. Having to watch these scenes just makes the rest of the movie feel really dull and boring. It manages to use most of it's run-time for making them just out to be these incredibly-immature scenes of them doing the same thing, and it eventually gets to the point of their being little hope for anything to come along in the film other than these, and when they get old, the film slows down to a crawl with almost nothing else. When it does get a few good moments in, the majority of these scenes are just plain terrible and dull. The other one here is that there's nothing given as to why the particular victim is chosen. There's a back-story for the being and why they're there, but nothing is given about it requiring that specific choice. Otherwise, these here are the big problems with the film.

The Final Verdict: While not entirely worthless, this one has a few more flaws than positives which makes this one that much more disposable. Only check it out if in the complete mood for these kinds of films, but this is more likely the case of only the extremely interested.

Rated R: Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and several sex scenes
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