Jail Bait (1937)
Lesser Keaton
12 March 2008
Jail Bait (1937)

** (out of 4)

Buster Keaton turns himself into the police saying he's a wanted murderer so that his reporter friend can have time to track down the real killer. The only problem is that the friend is killed leaving Keaton on his own. Here's another short made during the low point of Keaton's career and once again we only get a few chuckles without any major laughs. The prison break scene is the only real highlight, although the film remains watchable throughout.

Allez-Oop! (1934)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Buster Keaton falls in love with a girl but she loves a circus performer so Keaton tries to beat him at his own game. This is a very bland, completely unfunny short that Keaton made during his low point. There are a couple cuckles but most of the gags fall flat on their face including a horrid attempt at a silent scene, which was meant to be a throwback to Keaton's glory days. The incredibly mean spirited and somewhat violent ending is rather odd as well. More sad than anything else.
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