Staying Alive (1983)
Without a doubt one of the worst movies in history
3 March 2008
Staying Alive is an abomination. An annoying, pointless exercise in narcissism, executed so ineptly in every way imaginable, that it holds a secure and well-deserved place in history as one of the worst films ever made.

Two elements which made the original such a surprise hit in 1977 (disco dancing and the chart-topping Bee Gees soundtrack) have been replaced by what can best be described as absurdly choreographed aerobic dry humping routines shot in slow motion along with music by - you guessed it - Frank Stallone.

As the so-called "brains" behind this monumental failure, Sylvester Stallone may as well have taken a pristine 70MM print of the original classic Saturday Night Fever, filmed himself defecating all over it, and made that the final hidden scene at the conclusion of the end credits.

Stallone also appears briefly in what has to be the strangest cameo ever - engaging in a homo erotic stare down with Manero while wearing a fur coat that looks like it was raided from Liberace's closet.

Staying Alive makes Showgirls seem like it could have been written and directed by Bob Fosse. Avoid this monumental turd at all costs.
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