Funny but not very British
29 January 2008
Anyone who makes a comedy about a funeral and manages to pull it off deserves a medal and this is certainly one hilarious movie. It sails so close to the edge, no, it sails _on_ the edge and still manages to stay just on the right side of decency.

The characters are all very well acted although Simon played by Alan Tudyk was definitely my favourite, completely out of his tree after accidentally taking acid.

Although I really enjoyed this film, I still found something not quite right with it. I really wasn't sure what it was until I read some other comments here and then I realised that it's really not a typical British film even though it's trying very hard to be one. The problem is a distinct lack of subtlety. If you watch any of the Ealing comedies or Carry-On films, you don't actually hear people cursing or see people covered in human excrement even though the implication might be there. It's as if the director lost confidence in the audience. Quite a shame really because he obviously knew what he was doing.
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